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Showing posts from May, 2020


म यथार्थ बोल्दा  अर्कै बोलेजस्तो भयो रे,  म माथि फर्किदा  आकाश लिन खोजेँ रे,  म खोला सँग बग्दा  अरु भन्दा फरक भयँ  रे, म प्रक्रिती सँग रम्दा  बौलाहा भयँ  रे,  मैले चिन्ता व्यक्त गर्दा  हेपाइ भयो रे, मैले धनीको बिचार मान्दा  कम्युनिस्ट भयँ  रे,  मैले खुशी व्यक्त गर्दा  घमन्डी भयँ  रे, म गरीबको लागि बोल्दा  सामन्त भयँ रे,  यस्सै कहाँ मान्थे र मशिया   र देशका बिचराकहरु  म चुप लागेर बस्दा  राजनीतिक भयँ रे,,,,   शिक्षाको लागि बोल्दा  दलाल भयँ रे, अर्थको लागि बोल्दा  ठग भयँ रे, स्वास्थ्यको लागि बोल्दा भ्रस्ट भयँ रे,  युवाको लागि बोल्दा  मतियार भयँ रे,  कृषिको लागि बोल्दा अहंकारि भयँ रे, प्रबिधिको लागि बोल्दा  असान्दर्भिक भय रे  अहो  !!!  खेदो त  यती खन्छ यो समाजले  पहल गर्दा पनि राजनीतिक भयँ रे हल दिदा पनि राजनीतिक भयँ रे ....       


There is a bench on the roof of my house. I am lying down on the bench with my face facing towards the sky and my hands working as a pillow for my head. The time was nearly 5:30 and it is still the bright day but time showing the way to darkness. I turned off the music. The silence of the sky was creating questions. Why, How, When and many more teasing my mind. The white clouds were covering the sky, floating from south to north. The clouds were creating questions. I thought I was investigating the silence of the sky. The birds flying like they were enjoying the evening after having a good day. But the birds were hindering my investigation of silence. I also saw the trees on the top of the hill. Only the upper halves. The clouds were floating, birds were dancing, the sky was silent but there happened a miracle in the sky. Yes, there arrived the moon clearing the white clouds. But the moon was hindered to shine. That was an oxymoron situation between shine and matt. The moon was try