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Tinpiple – Tarkeshwar – Army camp – Gurje Bhanjyang – Jhor

The Hiking Diary

Do you know ?? There are some stairs made of bricks exported from Heaven. Yes, I’m talking about the place we’ve been for our Hike in the hill of Kathmandu District. It was an amazing and natural hike with the team of 'Wondervibes' along Tinpiple – Tarkeshwar – Army camp – Gurje Bhanjyang – Jhor.

Travelling teaches us about the world, life and ourselves than any education ever could. We learned teamwork during this hike. Everybody is never together during the walk but there comes some special place or point where we wait for others to come and join to capture the magical moment of that place. This also becomes that place where we share what we see and how we feel. Some of ‘what we see and what we feel’ are in this blog.
Our hike started from Machhapokhari, Kathmandu. There was a walk for a while up to ‘Tinpiple’ where we discussed the trip with the plan maker Asim Ojha. The group of 10 'wondervibes' made a decision and continued our journey. Our main aim was to walk along the forests of Shivapuri National Park and end it to Jhor. Firstly moving to Tinpiple was not that good. All because of the dusty road and strong sunlight. We’re just eager to reach the forest area and make some affairs with a peaceful environment. There is no chance of stopping anywhere except some special places before reaching the forest. There are very beautiful temples nearly 500m uphill from Tinpiple on the way to Tarkeshwar Temple also the Kathmandu valley can be observed from this temple.
The view of the valley and delighting temples enchanted to move forward and see more. Moving uphill we saw the clouds covering the green hills which was extremely beautiful. We just wanted to fly there and feel the moment. We headed forward with some adventures, Some enjoyment, and some funny talks. We are heading forward through the way inside the pine forest. Red forest because of pine needles and the stem of the pine tree on the ground. A travel inside the pine forest was relish. That relish inside the light coniferous forest in which pine is the predominant tree. We were trying to reach Kakani and return by the same route up to the army camp. But we changed our decision and moved to another way towards Gurje Bhanjyang.


Army camp to Gurje Bhanjyang was a little different task as it started raining and struggle with leach was hilariously astounding. There is a saying by Albert Einstein ‘Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better’. We were getting deep inside the nature: the green forest, raining, walking on a wet and slippery soil, fighting with leach, listening to river flow, hearing the chattering of leaves.
We missed Surya Chaur as we had no time.


Nearly half an hour moving downward from Gurje Bhanjyang we came to the destination ‘Jhor’. Jhor is a historical and religious place where the powerful god of Hinduism Lord Shiva is celebrated as ‘Baruneshwar Mahadev’. Many devotees come and worship here. A cave inside which three statues are worshipped for their purpose. Jhor is known for the beautiful waterfall during the rainy season. But we were here in the offseason. Though we enjoyed the nature and the greenery that surrounds Jhor. Here people come with families and friends to pass their days with fun and enjoyment. Here, we observed the beauty of Jhor and got ready for the farewell of this hike.

There is a river which we can not cross and that is nature. We can never finish exploring, enjoying, and feeling nature. I hope the following river never stops and the greenery never fades. Nepal has enormous natural beauties and we can explore easily. The team of wondervibes is not going to stop. We will explore the best we can. This is our journey of exploring the naturally prosperous Nepal. 


Photographer: Mahesh Dhimal

Blogger: Anil Regmi 


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